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2021 National Jamboree


Registration for the 2021 National Jamboree has recently opened.  All Scouts who are currently

members of the troop will be eligible to attend.  Costs for our council contingent is $3,400 per person.

You may reserve your spot by registering at the link below.  Payments will start soon and will be made to the council office.




A national Jamboree troop consists of 36 scouts, 3 adults over 21 and 1 adult between 18-21.  During the last Jamboree we took 9 Troop 57 scouts, 1 adult leader and had several who served on staff.  In 2021 it is our hope that Troop 57 will fill an entire troop of 36 scouts for the Jamboree.


In 2017, our itinerary included flying into NY City and touring for two days, traveling by bus to Washington DC where we toured for four days then on to our final destination of The Summit, West Virginia were we spent 10 days camping at the site of the National Jambore with 36,000+ other scouts from all over the country, then we traveled back to DC for our flight home.  Please note that days will be added to before and after the jamboree dates to allow for travel and tours.


For additional information about the jamboree check out this website….


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